About us

Healing Heroes is a haven where you or a cherished veteran can navigate towards a brighter path by unveiling a new chapter. Our opulent outpatient facility is dedicated to healing, where empathy converges with seasoned professionals. We recognize the unique challenges that veterans face in their journey with mental health and addiction, and through evidence-backed treatment plans, we guide our clients, including veterans, towards triumph.

A more wholesome future for you or your loved veteran is within reach. Dial (508) 594-3269 or complete our form now to access the assistance you seek. Guiding the Way with Compassion and Education, we understand that addiction and mental health challenges may feel like enduring sentences for veterans, yet we firmly believe they need not be. Our tailored, veteran-inclusive, client-centric approach fosters comfort, camaraderie, and recovery.

By aiding our clients, including veterans, in comprehending the influences of their military service, experiences, and circumstances on substance use and mental health, we empower them to break free from destructive cycles and cultivate healthier habits. Initiating assistance at our facility marks the inaugural step towards a superior life for veterans. We are dedicated to establishing a structured, discreet environment where you or your loved veteran can confidently engage with our professionals and join fellow veterans committed to forging paths to healthier future.

Why Choose Healing Heroes?

Your decision to pursue sobriety and enhanced well-being is a commitment we take to heart. We are dedicated to delivering top-tier treatment, focusing especially on veterans, and here’s why Healing Heroes stands out:
  • Veteran-Centric Care:
    We understand the unique challenges veterans face, and our commitment is tailored to address their specific needs. Our compassionate staff is devoted to supporting and guiding veterans through every step of their recovery journey.
  • Proven Treatment Methods:
    Embracing evidence-based treatment modalities, we provide effective solutions proven to help individuals, including veterans, overcome addiction. Our approach is rooted in science, ensuring personalized strategies to tackle the distinct challenges each veteran may encounter.
  • Comprehensive Healing:
    Recognizing that addiction and mental health impact more than just physical well-being, our holistic approach extends to emotional and spiritual aspects. We address the complete spectrum of your healing journey, promoting overall wellness.
  • Privacy Assurance:
    Your privacy is our priority. We uphold strict confidentiality in all interactions and treatments, allowing you to focus on recovery without concerns about privacy breaches.
  • Continued Support:
    Recovery isn’t a one-time event; it’s a journey. Beyond treatment, we offer aftercare and support services, helping veterans maintain sobriety, enhance mental health, and build a brighter future.
  • Community Connection:
    We believe in the strength of community and connection. At Healing Heroes, veterans find a supportive and understanding community where they can share experiences and draw inspiration from others on similar journeys.
  • Flexible Outpatient Care:
    We recognize the importance of not putting life on hold. Our multiple levels of outpatient care are designed to meet veterans where they are on their healing journey, allowing them to maintain essential commitments while receiving comprehensive addiction and mental health treatment.
Choose Healing Heroes — where commitment meets compassionate, evidence-based, holistic care, tailored specifically for veterans on their path to recovery.
Veterans and First Responders Treatment

Healing Heroes Outpatient Service provides specialized care for veterans and first responders. Our approach is holistic and tailored. We offer evidence-based therapies and personalized treatment plans. Our team understands the unique challenges faced by heroes. We prioritize creating a supportive and understanding environment. Every individual receives comprehensive care. We emphasize empowerment and resilience-building. Collaboration with clients and their support networks is central. Our goal is to facilitate healing and promote long-term well-being.



Contact Form

Our admissions team is here 24/7 to guide you through the process of treatment, from insurance verification to reviewing your treatment options, admission and more.